The basic syntax

It looks like C, it is written like C, but it is not C.


Instead of long historic names, Relax uses shortened type names:

Integer types:

Precision C Name (LanguageName) Name
8 bits char i8
16 bits short i16
32 bits long i32
64 bits long long/__int64 i64

Additionally, there is the void type, which is exactly what you'd expect it to be: a 64 bit integer (I can't remember why I made it this way).

Of course, there are also pointer types, which follow C syntax of TypeName*.

Additionally, you can define a structure type with the struct keyword, which can then be pointed-to like any other type.

Type checking

Type checking is done in the parser, so globals/locals/functions/structs must (usually) be defined above where they are used.

To avoid circular references being impossible to compile, the declare statement can be used to state a function's parameters/return type before defining it.

Additionally, undefined types can be used as long as they only used in pointer types, and do not have and fields referenced.

General Things

String literals are supported, and are replaced with an i8* to the given string. This i8* will point into the stack, so DO NOT try to free this memory. You can alter it, but poking at the memory around it is a terrible idea.

If a function does not have a return in it, the return value is undefined. However, functions are not required to have a return, and will still run.

The magic entry-point function is named Main, which is not expected to follow any prototype. This is to avoid having to include additional runtime code to support ArgV/ArgC. If a program requires ArgC/ArgV, this snippet will provide it:

DllImport i16* GetCommandLineW() {Kernel32.dll, GetCommandLineW}
DllImport i16** CommandLineToArgvW(i16*, i64*) {Shell32.dll, CommandLineToArgvW}

define i32 Main() {
    i64 ArgC := 0
    i16* CommandLine := GetCommandLineW()
    i16** ArgV := CommandLineToArgvW(CommandLine, &ArgC)


The return value of Main is considered the program's exit code.

This is the list of reserved names:

Assignment operators

The left side of each assignment operator can be any of the following:

The assignment operators are:

Binary operators

Note: && and || both short-circuit, % is modulo, . is local struct field access, -> is pointer struct field access. As is explained further here

Unary operators

Note: & is 'address of', and * is dereference, - is negation.

++ and -- have been deliberately excluded, as they are a pain to parse.


Casting between types is usually implicit, but if you want to explicitly cast between two obviously incompatible types, the As operator does it. The format is Operand As TypeName.


Array accesses are really just pointer syntax sugar, but god do they make things easier.

Pointer[Index] will do the same operation as *(Pointer + (SizeOfPointedToType(Pointer) * Index)), with much less code generated.

Instead of evaluating a bunch of expressions manually, the addition and multiplication steps are both done by the CPU directly, which should be a speed up.


Struct accesses are technically also syntax sugar, but allow for much higher level code.

A struct access will automatically calculate the offset of a field inside of a structure, and encode that offset directly into an instruction. Additionally, since struct fields have names, cryptic code such as *(SomeStruct + 8 As i8*) can be written as SomeStruct->Field.

The operators . and -> are mostly interchangeable, however, . only works for local structs, and -> only works for pointers to structs.

What next?

For a full writeup of the syntax, see the full syntax page.