Compiling the compiler

This is the only page I have enjoyed (re)writing.


How To

The Main function of the compiler is implemented in Bain.rlx, which includes all other components. The file is not named Main.rlx because that was taken by the version for the original (AHK) compiler, which had runtime code that no longer exists.

So, to compile the compiler we run stable_version.exe Bain.rlx output_name.exe, simple enough, right? Wrong.


Since the compiler has reached a stage where it can only be compiled with the previous version of itself, it is 100% crucial that any version of the compiler can compile itself, otherwise the repo could get stranded where there are 0 versions of the compiler which can compile the source.

I've made the testing process easy with some scripts through, so to actually compile the compiler, you run:


which will ensure the latest version of the source can:

If any of these steps fail, will error out. However, if none fail, the output will be written to new_stable.exe, which can then overwrite stable.version.exe and then be used to compile code which requires a new feature.

For example, to implement unions I followed these steps:

Now that stable_version.exe can 100% certainly compile itself correctly, it is safe to make a commit. Just in case though, step 9 would be to run on stable_version.exe, which just runs the \tests on the passed compiler, without having it recompile itself.

Through these steps, a new language feature can be implemented almost seamlessly, and with minimal brain-meltage.

This might be an incredibly roundabout way to implement new features in a bootstrapped compiler, but I legitimately am not smart enough to come up with another way.