The structure

The compiler is laid out in various separate stages, in the order:

A quick rundown

Simple enough, right? (It only took thousands of line to implement)


The lexer is used to transform plain text like define i32 Main or i32 test := 99 + 2 into an array of "tokens".

A token is like a word, and is the smallest unit that the entire compiler uses. Tokens also have different types.

So, i32 test := 99 + 2 would have the tokenizer start with the character i, which it would see is:

And now that the lexer has found an alphanumeric character, it will continue to consume all alphanumeric characters after the first.

So, 32 would also be consumed, and added to the t token, however, "" is not alphanumeric, and would be the end of the t token.

Next, to figure out the type of the token, the lexer checks if it is in the list of keywords (found in Lexer.rlx, LookupKeyword), and since it is not a keyword, the token is created with the type TOKEN_TYPE_IDENTIFER, and a value of i32.

This would repeat for test, giving us the two tokens:

[{Value: "i32", Type: TOKEN_TYPE_IDENTIFER}, {Value: "test", Type: TOKEN_TYPE_IDENTIFER}]

Now, the lexer would see the character :, and : is defined as the first character of an operator (in Lexer.rlx's GetNextToken).

Since : is an operator (or part of an operator), the lexer will now:

Now we've got:


And the next character is 9, which the lexer would see is:

Now, the lexer will gather all digits following the first, getting us 99, and create a TOKEN_TYPE_INTEGER token, with the value 99.

Now, applying these same rules to the rest of the string, we get the following array of tokens for the output:

    {Value: "i32", Type: TOKEN_TYPE_IDENTIFER}, 
    {Value: "test", Type: TOKEN_TYPE_IDENTIFER}, 
    {Value: 99, Type: TOKEN_TYPE_INTEGER},
    {Value: 2, Type: TOKEN_TYPE_INTEGER}

One thing that I haven't mentioned is that all tokens actually contain a bit more data.

All of this data is used to provide better error printouts

And that's all the lexer really does. Of course, there's many-many more token types than I mentioned, and the lexer also supports hex literals, which are given the type TOKEN_TYPE_IDENTIFER.


The parser takes the array of tokens which the lexer outputs, and builds an abstract syntax tree out of the tokens.

And abstract syntax tree (AST) is a how a given program is represented, in this case, each "leaf" of the AST is either a Token object (which the lexer outputs) or a ASTNode object.

For example, the AST of 1 + 2 would be:

    Left: {
        Type: NODE_TYPE_INTEGER,
        Value: 1
    Operator: {
        Value: OPERATOR_PLUS
    Right: {
        Type: NODE_TYPE_INTEGER,
        Value: 2

This concept is the same throughout the entire parser, you have an AST node, which has other AST nodes inside of it, which can represent any part of a program.

Additionally, AST nodes also contain the same context data as tokens for accurate error reporting.

The hard part is actually building the AST.

I'm not going to go into how the AST is built, due to that being a better topic for a book, not documentation.


The compiler takes the AST from the parser, and walks it, calling into CodeGen.rlx to generate machine code for each AST node it visits.

The AST is walked by recursively enumerating each branch of the tree, with each different branch type having a different function which will enumerate any branches it has.

Statements are compiled in mostly-similar ways, with a condition being compiled, then tested, and a conditional jump to either the next statement in a chain, or out of the current statement. More specifically:

Expressions are a little less label/jmp intensive, but more complex to understand.

So, to evaluate expressions, a stack is used to hold operands until they are needed, which means that:

As long as all generated code to evaluate expressions follows these rules, you can always trust an expression to leave its result on the stack.

If this promise of operands/results is every broken, then there has been a code misgeneration, and something is wrong. However, since it isn't broken, expressions can be compiled into a series of very basic instructions.

Strings And Other Stuff

The compiler handles strings by allocating StrLen(String) + 1 bytes much of stack space for each string, and encodes string literals into 64 bit integers, which when stored in the stack, will build the correctly ordered string.

When a string is used, it is replaced with a pointer into the stack where the string was written.

Parameters are treated exactly the same as locals.

Function calls are a bit of a mess. Since the register stack uses some of the parameter registers, first the register stack has to be saved, and then the parameter registers have to be 0'd, and finally, the parameters can be compiled and moved into the parameter registers.

When a function never has a return statement compiled, it will automatically return with an undefined result.

This is the only difference for omitting return, since the code to return from a function is automatically generated at the end of a function either way.

Signed numbers are the only kind of numbers, unsigned operations require entirely different instructions for operations, which is why I don't plan on adding unsigned types.


This one will be shorter, I promise.

CodeGen is a class which generates the correct bytes for lots of common AMD64 instructions, and automatically handles linking labels and jumps for you.

CodeGen keeps a buffer containing the array of assembled code, along with buffers for book keeping info such as labels and fixups, which are applied before the code is written to the output file.

The backbone of CodeGen is just a few methods:


A class that handles all the dirty work of building .exe files.

Most of the code is spent building the headers, and setting the correct magic numbers.

The only interesting bit is how the import address table (IAT) and .reloc (relocation) section is built.

The IAT is built with one structure for each Dll that functions are imported from, and 2 parallel arrays which hold the actual import data.

The structure holds a pointer to the first array, the number of entries in all of the arrays, a pointer to the Dll name, and a pointer to the 2rd array.

Each entry in the 1st and 2nd array is identical until the .exe file is loaded, but before that, an entry considered part of a "hint-name table", which is made up of an ordinal value for the imported function, or a pointer to the function's name.

I do not bother with ordinal values.

Once the loader reads the hint-name table, each entry in the 2nd array is overwritten with a pointer to the function it originally imported, which PEBuilder links code to jump into.

The .reloc section handles what should happen when the file can't be loaded at the specified base address, and contains pointers to every location inside of the code which references a static address. So, every use of a global variable, and every use of an import function, gets an entry in the .reloc section.