Getting Current Playback Info

Wraps around this Spotify API endpoint

How to use

After creating a Spotify object, you can call .Player.GetCurrentPlaybackInfo().

This will return a Current Playback Info Object which contains no methods, but various information about the users current playback.


This example will:

A) Create a Spotify object (which will prompt the user for authorization if it is not already done)

B) Get a Current Playback Info Object with .Player.GetCurrentPlaybackInfo()

C) Show how many seconds into the song the player is, and the name property of the currently playing track

Spoofy := new Spotify()
CurrentPlayback := Spoofy.Player.GetCurrentPlaybackInfo()
MsgBox, % "You are currently " Ceil(CurrentPlayback.progress_ms / 1000) " seconds into the song """ CurrentPlayback.Track.Name """"