Setting Playback Volume

Wraps around this Spotify API endpoint


This method requires Spotify Premium, and will NOT work without Spotify Premium (see here)


The API endpoint called by this method is in beta, and might not work perfectly

How To Use

After creating a Spotify object, the .Player.SetVolume() method can be used.

.Player.SetVolume() expects one parameter, volume (A number 0-100 representing the volume percentage you want) and will try to set the playback volume on the currently active device to the passed percentage


This example will:

A) Create a Spotify object (which will prompt the user for authorization if it is not already done)

B) Call .Player.GetCurrentPlaybackInfo() and store the current volume percent

C) Increment the current volume percentage by 10

D) Set the volume percentage to the new percentage

Spoofy := new Spotify()
CurrentVolume := Spoofy.Player.GetCurrentPlaybackInfo().volume_percent
CurrentVolume += 10