Removing Tracks From A Playlist

Wraps around this Spotify API endpoint

How to use

After creating a Spotify object, and getting a playlist through either .Playlists.GetPlaylist() or creating a new playlist with .Playlists.CreatePlaylist() (And adding tracks to the playlist), the .RemoveTrack() method of the returned playlist object can be used.

.RemoveTrack() expects one parameter, TrackIDOrTrackOBJ (Which can either be a track ID or a track object and removes all instances of the track from the playlist


This example will:

A) Create a Spotify object (which will prompt the user for authorization if it is not already done)

B) Create a new Playlist Object

C) Add 5 tracks to the playlist, 3 copies of Ocean Man and two other songs

D) Wait for 5 seconds, then remove all copies of Ocean Man from the playlist

Spoofy := new Spotify()
NewPlaylist := Spoofy.Playlists.CreatePlaylist("Test 1234", "This is a Spotify.ahk test playlist")
loop, 3 {
Sleep, 10000