Getting started with Spotify.ahk

To download or get the latist version, visit the Spotify.ahk Github page.


  • Autohotkey_L - Which can be found here
  • Spotify Premium - While not required for all functionality, some things might require a premium account (which will be noted on a per-page basis)
  • Theorically, nothing else. All libraries Spotify.ahk requires are packaged with the download


  • There is now only one Spotify object, which is static.
  • Spotify auth is now done with Spotify.Auth() instead of creating a new Spotify object.
  • HTTP requests are now cached whenever possible
  • All old Spotify.* classes are now static, and function using raw Spotify URIs.
  • All Spotify objects (Spotify.Track for example) now use the underlying Spotify.* class instead of making API calls themselves.
  • All Spotify objects now extend the SpotifyAPIBaseClass class, which provides a simple way to translate JSON API returned objects into functional AHK objects (with methods)
  • All Spotify objects can now be validated before use with the IsValid(SpotifyObject) and IsLowValid(SpotifyObject) functions, which ensure that all properties of the object are valid.
  • When either of these functions return false, the .Refresh() method of the object that failed the test can be used to get a new (hopefully valid) version of the object from the Spotify API.