Deleting A Playlist

Wraps around this Spotify API endpoint


It is not currently possible to delete a playlist entirely on Spotify, the best alternative is to unfollow it, which is the same as "deleting" a playlist through the web players or desktop app.

Because of this, this method just unfollows a playlist.

How to use

After getting a playlist through either Spotify.Playlists.GetPlaylist() or creating a new playlist with Spotify.Playlists.CreatePlaylist(), the .Delete() method of the playlist object can be called to "delete" the playlist.


This example will:

A) Create a new (empty and private) playlist named Test 123 with the description This is an example playlist made by Spotify.ahk by calling Spotify.Playlists.CreatePlaylist()

B) Get 3 track objects with calls to Spotify.Tracks.GetTrack().

C) Add 5 tracks to the playlist, 3 copies of Ocean Man and the two other tracks, all using the .AddTrack() method.

D) Wait 20 seconds, then delete the playlist

NewPlaylist := Spotify.Playlists.CreatePlaylist("Test 1234", false, "This is a Spotify.ahk test playlist")

FirstTrack := Spotify.Tracks.GetTrack("5ogtb9bGQoH8CjZNxmbNHR")
SecondTrack := Spotify.Tracks.GetTrack("2yYSMsrFJ6m7ePtLxQZZBF")
OceanMan := Spotify.Tracks.GetTrack("6M14BiCN00nOsba4JaYsHW")


loop, 3 {

Sleep, 20000

An alternative way to do this without getting any full track objects is the Spotify.Playlists.PlaylistAddTrack() method and the Spotify.Playlists.DeletePlaylist() method, which both a playlist ID and track ID, which would save us some web API calls.

NewPlaylist := Spotify.Playlists.CreatePlaylist("Test 1234", false, "This is a Spotify.ahk test playlist")

Spotify.Playlists.PlaylistAddTrack(NewPlaylist.ID, "5ogtb9bGQoH8CjZNxmbNHR")
Spotify.Playlists.PlaylistAddTrack(NewPlaylist.ID, "2yYSMsrFJ6m7ePtLxQZZBF")

loop, 3 {
    Spotify.Playlists.PlaylistAddTrack(NewPlaylist.ID, "6M14BiCN00nOsba4JaYsHW")

Sleep, 20000