Track Objects

Wrap around this Spotify API object model.


Track objects should only be created with .Tracks.GetTrack() unless they are returned by, or included in other objects.

Track objects have the SpotifyAPIBaseClass base class, which provides many properties as pseudo properties.

This will have little/no impact on functionality, but it is still recommended you read the SpotifyAPIBaseClass page to understand how this could impact your code.


Key Value description
album An Album Object of the album the track is from
artists An array of Artist Objects that represents the Artist(s) of the track

Pseudo Properties

Key Value description
available_markets An array of country codes that the track can be played in
disc_number The disc number the track is on (defaults to 1 when an album has no specific discs)
duration_ms How long the track is in milliseconds
duration Alias for duration_ms
explicit If the track has explicit lyrics or not (false = unknown)
external_ids A External ID object containing other IDs of the track
external_urls A External URL object containing external URLs for the track
href A web API endpoint that can be used to get a full version of the track if needed
id The Spotify ID of the track
name The name of the track
popularity A 0-100 scale of how popular Spotify thinks the track is
preview_url A link to a 30 second .mp3 preview of the track (can be null)
track_number The number of the track on disc, should be used with disc_number
type The string "track"
uri The Spotify URI of the track
is_local If the track is a local track or not


Definition Description
.IsSaved() Checks if the track is saved to the user's Your Music library
.Save() Saves a track to the current user's Your Music library
.UnSave() Removes a saved track from the current user's Your Music library
.Play() Tries to start playing the track on the active device, will cancel any other playback