Hotkeys to save/un-save the currently playing track

F1::Spotify.Player.SaveCurrentlyPlaying() ; Alias for Spotify.Player.GetCurrentPlaybackInfo().Track.Save()
F2::Spotify.Player.UnSaveCurrentlyPlaying() ; Alias for Spotify.Player.GetCurrentPlaybackInfo().Track.UnSave()

Hotkey to play a random album from the user's top artists

TopArtists := Spotify.CurrentUser.GetTop("artists") ; Returns an array of top artists
TopArtistsAlbums := TopArtists[1].Albums ; Returns an array of number 1 top artist's ablums
Random, Rand, 1, % TopArtistsAlbums.Length() ; Gets a random number 1 - Artist's number of ablums
TopArtistsAlbums[Rand].Play() ; Plays the random album