Playlist Objects

Wrap around this Spotify API object model.


Playlist objects should only be created with Spotify.Playlists.GetPlaylist()/Spotify.Playlists.CreatePlaylist() unless they are returned by, or included in other objects.

Playlist objects have the SpotifyAPIBaseClass base class, which provides many properties as pseudo properties.

This will have little/no impact on functionality, but it is still recommended you read the SpotifyAPIBaseClass page to understand how this could impact your code.


Key Value description
owner A User Object representing the owner of the playlist
public If the playlist is public or not (true/false)
tracks An array of Track Objects that are in the playlist

Pseudo Properties

Key Value description
collaborative Returns true if context is not search and the owner allows other users to modify the playlist. Otherwise returns false.
description The playlist description. Only returned for modified, verified playlists, otherwise null.
external_urls Known external URLs for this playlist.
followers Information about the followers of the playlist.
href A link to the Web API endpoint providing full details of the playlist.
id The Spotify ID for the playlist.
images Array of images for the playlist. The array may be empty or contain up to three images. Note: If returned, the source URL for the image (url) is temporary and will expire in less than a day.
name The name of the playlist.
snapshot_id The version identifier for the current playlist. Can be supplied in other requests to target a specific playlist version.
type The object type: "playlist".
uri The Spotify URI for the playlist.


All methods for playlist objects call into the Spotify.Playlists class, which provides raw ID based functions for manipulating playlists.

Definition Description
AddTrack(TrackObject) Takes a Track Object and adds it to the playlist
RemoveTrack(TrackObject) Takes a Track Object and removes it from the playlist
Play() Plays the playlist on the currently active device
Delete() Deletes the playlist