Un-Saving A Track

Wraps around this Spotify API endpoint

How to use

After getting a track through either Spotify.Tracks.GetTrack() or any other function/object which contains/returns track objects, the .UnSave() method of the track object can be used.

.UnSave() expects no parameters and will remove a track from the current user's Your Music library.


This example will:

A) Get a track with Spotify.Tracks.GetTrack() by the track's Spotify ID

C) Save the track with .Save()

D) Wait 20 seconds, then un-save the track with .UnSave()

GoodSongIMO := Spotify.Tracks.GetTrack("4A6eJ3gOmVdD7C69N3DC7K")
Sleep, 20000

An alternative way to do this without getting the full track object is the Spotify.Library.UnSaveTrack() method, which takes a track ID, and would unsave the track in a single web API call.
